

This page lists resources we have produced or contributed to to support planning, assessment and evaluation in dance movement therapy.

Assessment tools

1. MARA: Movement Assessment and Reporting App.

2. Outcomes Framework for Dance Movement Therapy.

3. Outcomes Framework scoring sheets

Word version:

Scoring sheet for one client


Excel version:

Scoring sheet for individual clients (with sample data)

Scoring sheet for individual client (ready for use) 

Scoring sheet for groups (ready to use)


Videos explaining the scoring sheets:


4. Intake Form Template

5. Progress Report Template

6. Sample Progress Report 





Dunphy, K., Lebre, P., Dumaresq, E., Schoenenberger-Howie, S. A., Geipel, J., & Koch, S. C. (2023). Reliability and short version of the Dunphy Outcomes Framework (DOF): Integrating the art and science of dance movement therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 85, 102063.

Schoenenberger-Howie, S., Dunphy, K. F., Lebre, P., Schnettger, C., Hillecke, T., & Koch, S.C. (2022). The Movement Assessment and Reporting App (MARA) for Music Therapy. GMS Journal of Arts Therapies, 4, Doc03. doi: 10.3205/jat000018

Hens, T., & Dunphy, K. (2020). Developing participants’ capacity for reflection and self-assessment in a dance movement therapy program for people with intellectual disability. Disability & Society, 1-25. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1808445

Lebre, P., Dunphy, K., & Juma, S. (2020). Exploring use of MARA (Movement Assessment and Reporting App) to establish group objectives for psycho-motor interventions, Body, Movement, Dance and Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1080/17432979.2020.1806926

Hens, T. & Dunphy, K. (2020). Planning a dance movement therapy program for clients with intellectual disability: considering NDIS, host agency and DMT priorities. DTAA Journal Moving On, 17(1) 1-18.

Dunphy, K. & Hens, T. (2018). Outcome-Focused Dance Movement Therapy Assessment Enhanced by iPad App MARA. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02067

Dunphy, K., Mullane, S., & Allen, L. (2016). Developing an iPad app for assessment in dance movement therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 5, (54-62). doi: 10.1016/j.aip.2016.09.001

Dunphy, K., Mullane, S. & Allen, L. (2014). Considerations of DMT Assessment: What to assess and how? Findings from an international trial of an iPad app. Paper presented at the American Dance Therapy Association Conference, Chicago, USA, 8 November 2014.

Dunphy, K. & Mullane, S. (2011). Developing A Framework For Assessment Of Movement And Dance Programs for people with intellectual disabilities, DTAA Journal Moving On, 9(3-4), 36-38.

Dunphy, K. & Mullane, S. (2010). Assessment and evaluation of dance-movement therapy programs for children with intellectual disabilities: Presentation at American Dance Therapy Conference, New York. DTAA Journal Moving On, 9(1-2), 46-47.



Lebre, P. & Schoenenberger-Howie, S. A. (2023).  Ep 26 Body Concierge: Focusing on our sensations, thoughts, and imagination. Video prepared for The Body Hotel LTD & Arts Council Wales – Cultural Cwtsh – online platform for arts, health & wellbeing.

Stories to inspire movement: A set of six stories has been developed by Portuguese teacher-artist Ana Teresa Carneiro Barbosa Caridade, as a catalyst for movement interventions across each of the six Outcome Framework domains.  The stories offer creative inspiration for movement, that include every outcome in each domain.

Caridade, A. & Lebre, P. & Dunphy, K. (Colaboradoras) (2023). Histórias da MARA: uma proposta de narrativas para o movimento. Mosaico-Plataforma de Projetos inclusivos e educativos. ISBN: 978-989-33-4085-1

Caridade, A. (2020) Contributos para validação de conteúdo da versão portuguesa do quadro de resultados em Dança Movimento Terapia – MARA e proposta de narrativa de histórias. Unpublished Master Thesis.

Publications for sale

These titles are available for sale from

Jordan, A., Searle, S. & Dunphy, K. (2017). The dance of life with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In Guthrie, J., S. Mullane & E. Loughlin (Eds). Dance Therapy Collections 4. pp. 51-66. Melbourne: Dance Movement Therapy Association. ISBN 978-0-646-96859-9.

Dunphy, K., J. Guthrie & E. Loughlin (Eds) (2009). Dance Therapy Collections 3, Melbourne: DTAA.

Dunphy, K. & Scott, J. (2003), Freedom to Move: Movement and Dance for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Sydney: Elsevier.
Download the pdf version here: Freedom to Move

Dunphy, K. (1999). Dance and Disability: Current research and practice, in Guthrie, J. & E. Loughlin (Eds). Dance Therapy Collections 2. Melbourne: DTAA.

Other publications

Amoedo, H., Gonçalves, D., Monteiro, E. & Lebre, P. (2023). Happy Island and the Islands within the Island. In How does disability performance travel? Routledge. ISBN 9781032138039

Lebre, P., Doria, R. & Caridade, A. (2023). Um modelo conceptual do projeto Inpulsar: indicadores, resultados (pp.5-14). In P. Lebre & A. Caridade (Eds) (In)pulsar: realidades, possibilidades e impacto das artes para a inclusão. FMH/Inet-md. ISBN Ebook 978-972-735-283-8

Lebre, P., Godinho, C., Gomes, E. & Caridade, A. (2023). Projeto Inpulsar: avaliação dos resultados das sessões de dança (pp.15-30) [Inpulsar Project: evaluation of the results of the dance sessions]. In P. Lebre & A. Caridade (Eds)(In)pulsar: realidades, possibilidades e impacto das artes para a inclusão. FMH/Inet-md. ISBN Ebook 978-972-735-283-8

Lebre, P. (2022). MARA: o potencial da narrativa em dança. In J. Baía, J. Pereira & M. Lopes, (Eds.) Educação, Inclusão e Diversidade (pp. 125-132). Intervenção/Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural. ISBN 978-989-99835-88

Dunphy, K. & Ware, V. (2019). Dance and quality of life in Indigenous cultures in Australia, In Bond, K. (ed). Dance and the Quality of Life. New York: Springer. pp. 495-515. Ch. 28. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95699-2.

Dunphy, K. (2018). Theorising arts participation as a social change mechanism. In B. Bartleet & L. Higgins (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Community Music, London: Oxford Press. pp. 301-321.

Mullane, S. & Dunphy, K. (2017). Dance movement therapy and student learning and well-being in special education. In V. Karkou, S. Oliver & S. Lycouris (Eds.). The handbook of dance and wellbeing. pp. 493-516. London: Oxford University Press.

Dunphy, K., Mullane, S. & Guthrie, J. (2015). Dance movement therapy as a specialized form of counselling and psychotherapy in Australia: the emergence of theory and practice. In C. Noble & E. Day. (Eds.) Psychotherapy and Counselling: Reflections on Practice. London: Oxford University Press.

Dunphy, K., Jordan, A. & Elton, M. (2014). Exploring dance/movement therapy in post-conflict Timor-Leste,  American Journal of Dance Therapy, 36(2), 189-208. DOI 10.1007/s10465-014-9175-4.

Dunphy, K., Mullane, S. & Jacobsson, M. (2014). Effectiveness of creative arts therapies: a literature review, Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia, 2, 1.

Mullane, S. (2012). Being Educated in the Sense of Movement: A reflection on the legacy of Rudolph Laban, Moving On, 10(1-2),12-14.

Mullane, S. (2012). Book Review of Karkou, V. (ed) (2010) Arts Therapies in Schools – Research and Practice, London: Jessica Kingsley, Moving On, 10(1-2), 44-45.

Mullane, S. (2010). When there is more than one: some considerations for managing group dance therapy. Moving On, 9(1- 2), 18.

Office for Disability (2010). Increasing the cultural participation of people with a disability In Victoria: Literature review and analysis. Melbourne: Office for Disability, Department of Planning and Community Development, State Government of Victoria. Kim Dunphy was lead researcher and author on this publication commissioned by the State Government (Office for Disability), Arts Victoria and Department of Human Services from the Cultural Development Network.

VicHealth (2011). Informed Consent Project: Literature review and guidelines for community-based arts project. Melbourne: Cultural Development Network. Written by Pia Smith for the Cultural Development Network. Kim Dunphy was a contributing author on this publication commissioned by VicHealth from Cultural Development Network.

Dunphy, K. (2006). Dance, Disability and Community: A Reflection.  Dance Forum, 16(1), 15-16.

Dunphy, K. (2003). Is It Therapy, Is It Art?, Moving On, 2(1), 5-8. full document


Engaging and assessing students with intellectual disabilities through movement.
Dance teacher and therapist Sue Mullane discusses strategies she uses to engage her students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities through dance movement therapy. Assessment strategies for this school context are also discussed.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Ltd, 2013